PyStow 0.5.1-dev Documentation

If you’ve ever written the following few lines of code, pystow is for you:

import os
home = os.path.expanduser('~')
project_name = 'adeft'
envvar_name = f'{project_name.upper()}_HOME'
if envvar_name in os.environ:
    ADEFT_HOME = os.environ[envvar_name]
    ADEFT_HOME = os.path.join(home, f'.{project_name}')
os.makedirs(ADEFT_HOME, exist_ok=True)

Many projects (let’s use Adeft as an example) create a folder in the home directory as a dot-file such as $HOME/.adeft. I found that I had so many of these that I started grouping them inside a $HOME/.data folder. It’s also the case that every time you create one of these folders, you need to ensure its existence.

pystow takes care of these things. You can replace the previous code with:

import pystow
ADEFT_HOME = pystow.join('adeft')

First, it takes the name of the module, uppercases it, and postpends _HOME on to it (e.g., ADEFT_HOME) and looks in the environment. If this variable is available, it uses that as the directory. It ensures it exists, then returns a pathlib.Path pointing to it.

If ADEFT_HOME (or more generally, <MODULENAME>_HOME is not available in the environment, it picks the path as $HOME/.data/<module name>. Normally, $HOME is specified in your OS. However, if you want to pick another location to stick the data, you can override using $HOME by setting $PYSTOW_HOME in the environment.

If you want to go more directories deep inside the adeft default directory, you can just keep using more positional arguments (the same semantics as os.path.join()). These directories automatically get created as well.

>>> import pystow
>>> from pathlib import Path
>>> # already set somewhere
>>> __version__ = ...
>>> ADEFT_VERSION_HOME: Path = pystow.join('adeft', __version__)

Indices and Tables